PSHE education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain…. When taught well, PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.
PSHE Association
Personal education
Health education
Social education
Economic education
RSE is Relationship and Sexual education
Jersey is a small island community. We want to help prepare Bel Royal pupils to succeed and adapt in the ever-changing, diverse world they are growing up in. At Bel Royal, we believe that teaching PSHE well helps our children to become healthy, independent, resilient, and inclusive global citizens.
Through providing a broad-based education in the PSHE arena, it is our belief that Bel Royal pupils will be able to make a meaningful contribution to both school and the wider community both now and in the future.
Character development is a key element of our personal development curriculum and school life. We are a school with a strong ethos for everyone to fulfil their potential. Our motto “Each Unique, Together We Thrive” encapsulates this.
Our desire is that through continually developing and equipping our children with life skills through this subject, Bel Royal pupils are given the foundations to become:
Welcoming and tolerance to all
Aware of global issues and how they may be affected by them or how they can influence change
Financially aware and literate
Technologically safe and aware
Aware of healthy and balanced relationships
Aware of their own physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing (and how to help themselves)
Increasingly emotionally literate
Equipped with some strategies to support their own wellbeing
These aims feed into our school values of Include, Believe and Achieve.
The Jersey curriculum of PSHE including Citizenship aims to ensure that all pupils:
Acquire accurate and relevant knowledge, enabling them to recognise, accept and shape their identities
Access opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary, challenge, their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities
Acquire the skills, language and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives within the community of Jersey.
The PSHE programme of study, which is taught from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6, is based on three core themes within which there will be broad overlap and flexibility:
Health and Wellbeing
Living in the Wider World
It is important to recognise that many decisions about both health and lifestyle are made in a social context or are influenced by the attitudes, values and beliefs of significant others. PSHE education should respect and take account of pupils’ prior learning and experiences.
Bel Royal uses the Jigsaw curriculum as the curriculum structure for our discussions, which is a spiral curriculum, building on the learning from the prior year.
To develop pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, children are taught and encouraged to:
Understand and appreciate the range of different cultures in the school and further afield;
Show respect for different faiths and cultural diversity; show respect for the different protected characteristics;
Use of a range of social skills in different contexts; participate in a variety of communities and social settings; recognise the difference between right and wrong.
To achieve the above, the school blends regular PSHE lessons with wider opportunities for children to undertake learning in the following areas:
Core Values – Bel Royal’s values of Include, Believe and Achieve are embodied across school, with children receiving recognition from any member of the team for acts that go above and beyond. This can be for supporting a classmate who is finding life tricky, to an outstanding piece of work.
Rights Respecting School – We are a Silver Accredited Rights Respecting School. As a Rights Respecting School we integrate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into our core values, learning, ethos and culture, promoting children's rights to create a safe and inclusive, school environment. We want our children to be active and involved in school life and the wider world.
Pupil Voice – Each academic year, pupils from EYFS to Year 6 take part in School Council elections. Children prepare speeches with their aims to improve the school. On Election Day, using the ballot box from our local parish, children take part in a secret ballot, voting for the two students who they feel would represent their class the most effectively.
At least once per half-term, the School Council meets to discuss the issues raised by classmates and agree on actions to improve the school community. The Chair (s) and minute takers ensure that all matters are taken into consideration and documented through Widget to allow a visual and written record. These are disseminated by the representatives of their class. Three times per year, a group of pupils from Bel Royal attend the island wide Primary School Council Network meeting to discuss matters affecting children across Jersey and to share best practice within schools.
Assembly themes – through weekly assemblies, the children are made aware of global events including Black History Month, Remembrance, World Book Day. Each week’s assembly links to one of the Rights Respecting Schools rights.
Enrichment/Community opportunities – children have the opportunities to participate in some/any of the following:
School Choir (who perform at a local Elderly/Assisted living facility)
Pollinator patch creation with the Environment department
Half-term blocks in class with the opportunity to learn from external sports coaches (e.g. netball, cricket, football and golf).
Beach Safety
Safety in Action (fire, water, road, cycling, beach)
Forest School
Healing Waves
Horse Riding for the Disabled
Charity Walk to fundraise for school and a local charity
Children in Need Day – fundraiser
World Book Day
Overnight residentials for KS2
Positive Relationships – We support and nurture positive relationships throughout our school community through our curriculum, positive behaviour approaches, core values, and ethos statement. Our PSHE curriculum underpins this.
Cultural Experiences –
We support the development of cultural capital by providing our children with a range of cultural experiences, including:
Each month, there is a language focus for the month.
The children are taught ballet. Ballet d’Jerri work with the school to challenge stereotypes. The children learn from a professional and then watch the troupe perform. They also perform for the experts on their stage.
Music lessons with Jersey Music Association professionals (either as a whole class or individually)
Performing in the Eisteddfod in French and Choral Poetry.
Drama workshops from the Jersey Arts Centre
Workshops from the Jersey Music Service and performances from invited travelling artists.
Support from outside agencies/Further planning
Our EWO team
Jersey Community Relations Trust - Umberella books
Books to support PSHE progression and key themes
This can be established through the assessment of identified key learning, which is visited through the PSHE progression map, which is giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.