In writing lessons, teachers will teach spelling in context at appropriate opportunities.
Age and stage appropriate common exception words are taught from Reception to Year 6.
The Read Write Inc. spelling programme is introduced in Year 2. Direct teaching underpins the programme. Spelling is taught cumulatively and systematically, with deliberate, focused practice. Constant revision and practice are key to children’s success.
The spelling programme:
Makes sense of the most complex alphabetic code in the world- 150 spellings of 44 speech sounds.
Builds upon teaching strategies and spelling activities from Read Write Inc. Phonics
Is organised in 15 minute – well-paced lessons at least 3 times per week.
The programme’s core activities teach:
Alternative spellings of vowels
Alternative spellings of consonants
The impact of adding prefixes and suffixes to root words
Spelling plural nouns
‘Silent’ letters
Unusual letter strings
Word families.
Through close monitoring, children who require support will receive additional intervention for spelling.